Wednesday, February 25, 2015

32 Week Bumpdate

32 week bump shot
How far along?  32 weeks- 8 months- 3rd trimester   
Total weight gain: 146 lbs, up 1 lbs from last week... puts me at 21 lbs total so far. I feel huge though- and am totally starting to take up more room in every picture, haha!  
Maternity clothes: Yes (though crazy enough I'm wearing pre-maternity leggings that sit nice below my below and a pre-maternity shirt in this picture, but it is super loose in general). 
Stretch marks? Still nothing- thank you Palmer's! 
Sleep: Horrendous. I cannot sleep. The insomnia is real! Ugh! :/  I just hope I'm getting enough rest for him to grow! 
Best moment this week:  Our BABY SHOWER!!! It was seriously so perfect. I could not have asked for a better day. We have had FREEZING COLD weather, literally below zero temperatures and wind chills, or TONS OF SNOW, so the theme "Baby It's Cold Outside" was perfect. However, this was the one day over the past few weeks that actually warmed up a bit to a balmy 30 degrees, and the snow even melted off the roads so driving conditions for everyone was much better than it has been! It was amazing to be surrounded by family and friends who have so much love for our little guy already. And he got so many adorable and very nice gifts. I am beyond thankful. We are truly blessed!  
Miss anything?  Not having heartburn and sleeping through the night, and not going to lie, I've been getting spring catalogues, and I miss my flat stomach and being able to shop for cute clothes! Those were the days....haha But he'll be so worth it. 
Movement:  Holy cow, YES. His entire head and/or butt like slides across my stomach, and I love it. I will miss feeling him moving in there, and rubbing his little head or butt. ;)
Food cravings: peppers, grapes, smoothies, slushies, and juice! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood. Adam made shrimp tonight. Awful! At least we got a bunch of new candles last week! haha 
Gender: Still BOY! 
Labor signs: Nesting/organizing things like crazy.  
Symptoms: Heartburn, frequent urination (still feeling like have to pee 24/7), exhaustion, congestion, abdominal aches and pains, back ache, and insomnia 
Belly button in or out? It's totally popped out! EEK!!!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: This week, happy. Between the shower, the visit from my friend Rachel, and feeling like things are finally coming together for our baby boy and we're so close to meeting him, I can't help but smile! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

SNOW PERFECT- Our Baby Shower!

Hi Baby Boy,

You are one spoiled Little Man after today! We are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends to support us and help welcome you into the world.

Baby Shower 
 Your Auntie Jillian and Grandma Bonnie were the hosts. The theme was "Baby It's Cold Outside," and it was perfect considering the record-breaking low temperatures we've been having in February. It was the first "nice" day in awhile though, where we warmed up to a balmy 30 degrees, and the ice and snow on the road had melted away, making it much safer for everyone to drive.

Auntie Kali's Frozen Cupcakes
 Auntie Kali came in from Cincinnati, and she made some awesome cupcakes. They even had snowflake sprinkles on them!
 I absolutely loved seeing your name on everything- from banners to the balloons. And everyone signed a big letter "L" for you. It's part of a tradition we did at our wedding. Instead of a guest book, everyone signed a big letter "K" for Mommy & Daddy, so now you have your own very special guest book in your nursery.

#Ladiesman and "Perfect Gentleman" onesies- too cute!
 We got so many amazing gifts for you! We got some of our big must needs- to name a few, your Uncle Danny and Aunt Brittany got you your baby monitor, and we got our high chair from Gramma LoLo, and Auntie Deena and Auntie Krista got us your pack & play. G.G. got you your jogging stroller and carseat, and your bouncer, and Mommy's Godmother, Aunt Susie, got your lightweight stroller. Plus, we got some adorable onesies and outfits- I can't wait to dress you up.

Gifts Galore- so blessed!
 We also got some amazing homemade and personalized gifts that are just so touching. Brigitte and her mom got a personalized book called "Goodnight Little Landon" that I cannot wait to read to you. Melanie's Grandma sent you a hand-knitted cap and chevron blanket. Aunt Jackie made you a hooded bath towel. Mommy's coworker, Stephanie, got a hooded puppy towel with your name embroidered on it. And you got so much more from so many other people- I just can't fit them all here or thank them enough! Everyone's gifts were so nice and so helpful. I feel SO settled now that we have all of these things for you!
Auntie Rachel flew in from Baltimore for the shower!
 What's even more touching is how many people came. Over 60 people were there! I loved having everyone in one big room together, and mommy's friend Rachel even flew in from Baltimore for the shower. It was great having her come in for the weekend!
Gramma LoLo and Mommy
 As you can see, everyone who was there is so excited for your arrival. Gramma LoLo even put together a slideshow video of pictures of Mommy & Daddy and of you growing in Mommy's belly so far. It was beautiful, and I couldn't help but cry. It was very nice of Gramma LoLo.
Our Fabulous Hosts!
 Auntie Jillian and Grandma Bonnie could not have done a better job hosting the shower. From the location, to the decorations, to the food, and the adorable hot cocoa favors, it truly was perfect. The only crazy part of the day was when we got home, and I realized we were missing some of the amazing personalized and homemade gifts. Mommy felt so bad she was crying, and Daddy called them up to check to see what happened.We realized they accidentally got thrown away.  So, Auntie Jillian and Grandma Bonnie went "dumpster diving" to retrieve your presents, saving the day!
Great Gramma aka G.G. loves you so much already!
 I cannot say enough about how amazing the day was, and how excited everyone is to meet you , Landon!
Kisses from Auntie Kali xoxo
You have so many people who love you so much already, especially your family. I don't think there has ever been a baby that has so many people in love with him and excited to meet him and spoil him. Don't you ever forget that, buddy! Mommy and Daddy will make sure we teach you to be humble and thankful and to count your blessings and pray every night. You are our little miracle and the greatest gift God could give to us. And it was amazing to see you get showered with love.

Love you,

Mommy xoxo

Monday, February 16, 2015

31 Week Bumpdate

31 Week Bump Shot

How far along?  31 weeks- 8 months- 3rd trimester   WE'RE REALLY IN THE 8TH MONTH???!! WOAHHHH BABY!!! Time is flying! 
Months and Pregnancy.
Total weight gain: 145 lbs, same as the last two weeks... puts me at 20 lbs total so far. 
Maternity clothes: Yes (though there are still many comfy clothes that do the job). 
Stretch marks? Still nothing- thank you Palmer's! 
Sleep: This weekend was wonderful- I slept anywhere from 9-11 hours each night. I wish I could do that every night, and it would make my week so much better, but unfortunately, I'm usually up until 10 emailing every night these days. I just can't focus in the office with a lot of interruptions, presentations, or meetings scheduled throughout the day.
Best moment this week:  Celebrating Valentine's Day with Adam and knowing I'm officially his Mrs. Koehler. We missed him a lot while he was gone. He's gotten so good at making sure my towel is heated up in the towel warmer before I get into the bathroom, and opening the garage and making sure my car is heated up before I leave for work. So three days without him meant some pretty cold mornings (since we're in single digit temperatures here) and some extra aches and pains from having to lift the garage up and down (but still better than having to clean off my car each morning). 
Miss anything?  This morning for the first time in a long time, I actually craved a cup of coffee with creamer. I didn't end up making one, but I will say coffee for this week!
Movement:  Yes, this weekend since I was so relaxed, he actually got calmer too, but at work all week he was kicking up a storm. I'm also more talkative at work in general than I am at home, so I wonder if a lot of his moves are responding to my voice, which is so cool and sweet to think if that's the case. 
Food cravings: I'm dying to go to Outback- I want Steak, Bacon, Cheese (especially bacon and cheese on french fries, haha- I blame Daddy for this one, as this is one of his favorite foods! Must be the Little Guy's cravings too!), bananas, and slushies. I've actually gone out in the snow with cups, filled them up with snow, and poured juice over them to make juice slushies. SO GOOD!!! :)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood. Adam made fish one night, and even though he lit a bunch of candles, I wanted to hurl. 
Gender: Still BOY! 
Labor signs: Nesting/organizing things, and I've had a few Braxton Hicks contractions (I think!) 
Symptoms: Heartburn, frequent urination (I feel like I have to pee 24/7), exhaustion, congestion, abdominal aches and pains, back ache 
Belly button in or out? It's totally popped out- if I don't wear over-the-belly pants, you can totally see it! It's so weird/gross! Ugh- praying it goes back in right after! haha 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: This week, started off moody, unfortunately. The beginning of my work week I was all over the place- I had to give a presentation each day, and drive around to a bunch of meetings, and I just felt totally scatterbrained. Not sure if I can blame it on pregnancy brain though. I was also trying to get everything together for Adam's Valentine's Day surprise (I officially changed my last name to Koehler), so that was a lot of waiting in lines or on the phone for things to happen. But once the weekend set in, I was very happy once again. Sleep and relaxation do wonders, especially when you're pregnant! 
Looking forward to: Landon's Baby Shower this weekend!! I have been so excited for this day to see all of our family, friends, and spoil this Little One for his arrival. I feel incredibly blessed that my mother-in-law and sister-in-law have planned this day for us. I could simply burst from happiness. Also, my friend Rachel is flying in from Baltimore for the shower. Her flight gets in Saturday morning, so we're going to go get a late breakfast, then have a day of pampering with pedicures and a prenatal massage for me and regular massage for her in the afternoon. This weekend will be wonderful- I've just got to get through the work week first! :)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

Hi My Littlest Valentine,

I hope you've had a good weekend. Mommy has been doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend, and it sure has been relaxing. I guess I can't really say I've been doing nothing, but I have been doing a lot at home, and getting a lot of much needed sleep!
Happy Valentine's Day <3 xoxo 

On Friday, Mommy got a very sweet edible arrangement delivered to her office from Daddy. It was very yummy- and we got to nibble on it all day.
Our edible arrangement from Daddy! 

Friday night, you and I stayed in and set up a surprise for Daddy. He had to go to Vegas for work this week, and he didn't get home until after midnight on Friday. Mommy's Valentine's Day surprise was to officially change her last name, so all three of us will have the same last name! Daddy really wanted me to make sure it was changed for your birth certificate, so we made sure that everything is all taken care of.

Daddy didn't know that we've been going to the courthouse to get official copies of our marriage certificate, the social security office to change our name, the BMV to get a new driver's license, and contacting all of our banks and utility companies and credit card companies to get everything switched over. So when he walked in the house at 1 AM, he got the surprise, with all of mommy's new IDs and business cards along with some Valentine's Day cards and treats, hanging across our dining room. We made sure he got a card from you too, since this is his first Valentine's Day as a Daddy-to-be!
Daddy's Valentine's Day Surprise!
On actual Valentine's Day, you and Mommy went to Barre class in the morning. The snow was horrible, so Mommy picked up Daddy on the way home so we could stock up on some staples at the grocery store for the long weekend (Mommy has President's Day off on Monday). We got a bunch of fresh fruit and veggies- bananas, apples, grapes, strawberries, black berries, raspberries, carrots, and Naked Green juice, and of course chocolate milk and regular milk. Mommy knows you can't go without your fruit or milk every day- those are definitely regular cravings!

When Mommy and Daddy finally got home and out of the snow, we reevaluated our Valentine's Day plans. Daddy had made reservations at a Japanese Hibachi Steakhouse, but because of the bad snow, we decided to cancel and just have a Valentine's Day dinner at home. Eddie Cerino's Italian, right around the corner, has curbside pickup, and that's one of Daddy's favorite dinners ever. Mommy can't complain- the food, especially the bread, is always wonderful! So we watched Oscar-nominated movies all day (we're trying to get through all of them before the Oscars) and Mommy finished our honeymoon scrapbook. For dinner, we ordered the Crispy Chicken Carbonara for dinner with chocolate raspberry cheesecake for dessert. It was very yummy!

For Daddy, and you too- my two forever Valentines <3 
I guess all those movies wore us out, because we ended up sleeping over 11 hours! Sunday we woke up late and had a quick breakfast right away (apples and peanut butter and milk- some of your favorites!) and then we rode the exercise bike while Mommy and Daddy caught up on some TV shows. And we've just been watching movies the rest of the day.

Tomorrow, we're signed up for Barre class at noon. Then Mommy might try to get her nails done because your shower is 1 week away from today! I simply cannot wait- it will be so great to see all our family and friends, and get some things we definitely need to take care of you, and because Mommy's friend Rachel is coming to stay for the weekend, and we've got some plans to be pampered. Brunch, pedicures, and a prenatal massage. I can't wait!!!!

But more than anything, I can't believe that you'll be coming in just over 8 weeks. That is truly what I can't wait for. I can't wait to hold you, see your face and what you look like and your personality. I'm going to love you more than you'll ever know, baby boy! You'll always be one of my forever Valentines.

Love you so much,

Mommy xoxo

Monday, February 9, 2015

30 Week Bumpdate

30 Week Bump Shot
How far along? 30 weeks- 7 months- 3rd trimester   3/4 of the way there!!!!! :)
Total weight gain: 145 lbs, same as last week... puts me at 20 lbs total so far. 
Maternity clothes: Yes of course. Wearing a maternity sweater from Motherhood (donated by my wonderful friend Lisa), and ASOS maternity work pants, and a little belt I added for my new waist ;)
Stretch marks? Still nothing- lathering on that Palmer's every day! 
Sleep: This weekend I was actually able to sleep 8-9 hours a night, but I did get a up a few times to eat some tums or pee, of course. Maybe I am starting to better adjust to rising and falling back asleep quickly, which will be good practice for when little man gets here! 
Best moment this week:  Getting to go to the beach with Landon in my belly. It was amazing to feel him respond to hearing the ocean waves for the first time. I could just tell he loved it. And getting to walk alongside the ocean with him every morning was so peaceful. I just feel like I'll cherish that feeling of him being content in my belly forever. And Landon was the star of the conference- his name and due date was announced to everyone by the head of the Council of Great City Schools, right after he asked me all about Landon in the elevator. Already getting so much love and attention! 
Miss anything?  This week it would have been nice to have a cocktail by the beach or after the conference with coworkers. (The fresh strawberry mojitos they were having the one night by the pool after the conference looked amazing!)  However, I know it's all worth it to have baby come out healthy, and soon enough I'll be able to have a drink now and then. #pumpanddump 
Movement:  Yes, very regularly now. I'm especially loving how he is responding to outside noises. He even kicks harder and faster when I play fast music, which is so amazing if he's already a music lover. I'll encourage him to play any instrument he wants! We also experienced some pretty bad turbulence while on the plane this past week, and Landon did NOT like that one bit. 
Food cravings: Chocolate Lucky Charms (so good! but probably not the best for us either, but oh well, it could be worse- keep reading...),bananas, and the other night I was dying for a hot fudge sundae. And totally indulged in one from Malley's! Baby definitely seems to like combinations of chocolate and milk/ice cream/dairy. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood per usual. Colie's new dog treats also smelled horrible the other day when I opened the jar. And this is strange, but I was getting my teeth cleaned today, and the rubber gloves the hygienist had on smelled/tasted so bizarre. I've never had that reaction before! 
Gender: Still BOY! 
Labor signs: Nesting still, and asking Adam to clean things out too. For now, he's obliging even though he says it feels like we're moving. 
Symptoms: Heartburn, dizziness, frequent urination, back pain, side abdominal pain.  
Belly button in or out? It's popping out on the outside. So gross. I hate it!  
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: This week, happy. Being on the beach with Landon was amazing, and I'm also feeling more and more connected to my husband by the day. Between talking about a LOT after our birthing classes, to him holding my hand to guide me through the snow and ice so I don't fall, I just feel like like we're growing even closer by bringing this little one into the world, and it's an amazing feeling!  
Looking forward to: Valentine's Day is this Saturday. Adam made reservations for a Japanese Hibachi dinner, and I can't wait for a date night out with him. This momma just has to figure out what dress she can wear to still feel sexy for her husband (despite being the size of a whale, haha). 

Since we're 3/4 of the way there, I made a little collage of this journey so far, from the first week I found out (8 weeks- haha, a little late to the game) until now. 
We've come a long way baby!!

3/4 of the way there- can't wait to meet you!! <3 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Beach BUMp

Hello Baby Boy,

Or should I say, my little Beach BUMp?

You and I had one nice week in Florida. Mommy had a conference there for work, but we still got a little bit of sun. It was such a nice break to the foot and a half of snow we had back home in Ohio. I forgot what it was like to wear flip flops and a tank top! Our room had a gorgeous view. And boy, did we sure sleep well every night- over 8 hours each night!
View from the hotel room in Florida

When we first got to Florida, we hit the beach. Mommy got a tankini top from Target to cover your bump, you little basketball baby. It was so nice out- 75 degrees, sunshine, and a light breeze. We listened to tropical reggae music while kicking back in a lawn chair while Mommy checked emails and worked on some projects.
Ft. Lauderdale Beach
As soon as you heard the ocean waves, you started kicking like crazy! I swear, you must be a little water baby in there. It was almost like you were dying to come out to get in the water. This week you also felt stronger than ever, all of your kicks and movements felt so much bigger and harder.

Good Morning Florida!
On our last morning of the conference, we took a long walk in the morning to watch the sunrise from the beach. It was so beautiful baby, and I wish you could have been out to see it with your own eyes. God sure has made our Earth beautiful. I hope you appreciate these things once you are here in our world.

This was also one of the last weeks that Mommy's doctor said she could travel, so it's good that we got to go someplace warm as the last little getaway with you in my belly. You sure didn't like the turbulence we were feeling on the plane. You would go nuts in my stomach every time we hit some bumps in the air.
See you soon, FLA
Well, even though we had to come home to snowy, frigid Ohio, there's truly no place like home. The first thing I did when I walked through the door was went up to your room, just to check on it. Not that I thought it was going anywhere, but knowing that's going to be your little space, I just had to go in and daydream about when you'll be here in 10 weeks.

29 1/2 weeks & still trying to work out!
I snapped a quick picture of my bump this week. I still can't believe how big you're getting so quickly! But I am enjoying every single minute of having you inside of me. It is amazing to know that I'm going to get to be your mama. As you can see, I was wearing my workout gear, as I'm still trying to do something active with you every day. The first morning, we worked out on the elliptical in the hotel gym for 40 minutes, the second morning we did yoga, stretching, and some push-ups, and this last morning we went for a long walk. When Mommy got home, she even did another 40 minutes on the exercise bike. I'm trying to stay as fit as possible for you baby, so when labor comes, we're ready to go!

We also missed Daddy and Colie a whole bunch. At least I did, but I'm sure you did too. Daddy and I have the birthing classes tomorrow at the hospital. I think that should make us feel just about ready for you, learning those last little things about bringing you into the world. Keep growing big and strong in there baby. I love you so much already, little man. 

Love you,

Mommy xoxo

Monday, February 2, 2015

29 Week Bumpdate

29 Week Bump Shot

How far along? 29 weeks- 7 months- 3rd trimester 
Total weight gain: 145 lbs, up 1 lbs from last week... puts me at 20 lbs total so far. 
Maternity clothes: Yes of course. Wearing a maternity dress for ASOS and a big, bulky sweater because it is COLD!
Stretch marks? Still nothing- feeling incredibly lucky! 
Sleep: So rough...up until this point I've managed to get around 8 hours a night, even though I'm constantly getting up to pee or switch sleeping sides, but this weekend I probably got under 6 a night. The baby is definitely getting bigger- I feel like I'm in a constant state of feeling like I have to pee, and it's making getting comfortable enough to actually fall asleep so hard. 
Best moment this week:  Daddy wants me to say that the Cavs are on a 10-game winning streak. Also, we sold the glass wine rack and bar we had on Craigslist for another nice contribution to Landon's college fund! And getting our house one step closer to being ready for this little man. I also finished packing our hospital bags, and we got Landon's stroller/car seat combo from my Gramma and Grampa. We're getting more and more ready by the day! 
Miss anything?  Sleep.  
Movement:  YES, a TON!! And it's getting so much bigger and stronger. And this is weird, but I swear I felt his little butt bumping up against the side of my stomach- it was so cute! Then, I had Adam feel him, and he was like woah- I don't want to deform his butt! lol I told him he had enough water protection, he should be fine. :)  hahaha
Food cravings: The red grape craving came back, as well as guacamole and Chipotle, and I've been eating a TON of fruit every day. Can't get enough of it! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood per usual.
Gender: Still BOY! 
Labour signs: If nesting is a labor sign, that is definitely happening. I constantly want to purge EVERYTHING in our house. I'm cleaning, decluttering, and reorganizing just about every drawer, shelf, and closet. Adam keeps telling me that it looks like we're moving because of how empty I'm making our rooms, drawers, shelves etc. look. However, I feel like a BUNCH of stuff is about to fill up the house with our shower approaching.   
Symptoms: Heartburn, back pain, abdominal aches and pains, congestion, frequent urination, and I feel like my vision is getting a bit blurrier, which they say can happen but reverts back to to normal post-baby.     
Belly button in or out? It's popping out on the outside. I hate it!  
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: This week, happy. I feel more excitement as every day passes that I'm closer to meeting Landon. Plus, 
Looking forward to: I'm going to Florida for work, so I am excited for some warm weather and sun to break up all of this cold and snow! But I can't wait for our birthing classes at the hospital this Saturday. I'm excited to learn more and get more prepared and ready for this Little One. <3 xoxo