Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It's a...

Hi Little One! I mean, Hi Little BOY!!!!!!

That's right little guy, you are our Landon Brian. LBK. We know you're in there. And boy, oh boy, do we love you more than ever! I have never seen your daddy so happy than the hours and days following our big gender reveal party. He has been hoping and praying for a son, and you are the answer to his prayers. And mommy's too- no doubt about it. I cannot wait to have a mama's boy (in all of the good ways) and help you grow into a dashing little gentleman.

Our Little Pumpkin's a BOY!!!

We went to the ultrasound on a Saturday morning (the appointment was at 11:00 AM), and the ultrasound tech was the nicest lady ever. We told her about the party we were having to tell the family if you were a boy or a girl at 1:00 (just 2 hours later), and she said "Well then we've got to figure this out. No pressure, huh guys?" But she was great. She triple-checked to make sure she was right, and she made mommy and daddy super excited every time she had us look away because we wanted to wait to find out with everyone else. But we still got to see you from lots of different angles.
The pumpkin reveal box!

You are sure getting big in there, little buddy! She predicted that you will be 23 inches when you are born because you had the longest arms and legs. This makes daddy even happier though, because he can't wait to start teaching you sports and agility and drills to become an all-star athlete.
Trick or Treat? Blue or Pink?


Anyways, mommy made a boy and a girl pumpkin, and we had the ultrasound tech go in a back room and put the right pumpkin in the box. We had the family come over, and everyone signed up to guess what you were going to be. The majority of people said you'd be a boy- so I guess they were right!
Everyone's Guesses

Once everyone got there, we opened the box in front of the family. Daddy immediately pumped his fist into the air, and was so thrilled. I was so happy to finally know more about who you are in there, and to start planning things for you!

Literally, as soon as everyone left the party, Daddy and I went to Babies-R-Us and we got you your nursery bedding, blankets, changing pad cover, and some puppy rattles and toys. Your nursery is going to be the sports and puppies theme, and we're going to paint the walls light blue, and I think we're going to get a brown crib and dresser set for you. We're still trying to figure out where to get you some good, safe furniture from right now.
Your bedding- sports & puppies!

The next day, Mommy went to Marshall's and Target and I got you some more puppy blankets that are so soft and cozy, and an Ohio State Buckeyes outfit so you'll be ready for football in the fall. Daddy said it was a great purchase. He can't wait to have a little sports buddy, so I hope you'll like sports. I'm betting you will though- every man in the family seems to, but if you don't that's okay too. I'm sure you'll be perfect no matter what.
More soft & cozy puppy blankets!

Your first Buckeye's outfit- O-H!
Mommy and you are in Denver right now, and she is making sure to drink plenty of water since the elevation here is higher than home, and you can get dehydrated pretty easy. But we're eating really well- the conference has tons of buffets and snacks. We've been chowing down on omelets and fruit every morning for breakfast, salads with steak for lunch, and we had guacamole and a burrito last night for dinner. I hope you like Mexican like your Mama- we can go all the time. Maybe it can be our little tradition some day.
Mommy and you in Denver! 

I can't wait to have Mommy and me time with you, little guy. I promise I'll try to be the best mama, and support you in all your interests, take you to play and see fun things around Cleveland, and teach you how to be polite and smart and fun to be around. And when you start to date, I'll teach you how to be the guy everyone wants to date, haha.

Love you, little Landon,

Mommy <3 xoxo

Monday, October 27, 2014

15 Week Bumpdate

How far along?  15 weeks - 4 months - 2nd trimester
Total weight gain:  132 (2 lbs up from last week and 7 lbs overall- yikes!)  
Maternity clothes: None yet
Stretch marks? None 
Sleep: nice!  
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender of our LITTLE MAN! 
Miss anything? Wine and coffee...especially wine! Did I mention how much I love my glass of red wine after work? 5 months to go! haha 
Movement: None
Food cravings:  guacamole, orange juice, omelets, and Chik-Fil-A
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still seafood.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)   <3 <3 <3   
Labour signs: None
Symptoms: Breast engorgement, discharge, frequent urination
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy- overjoyed to know we're having a son! 
Looking forward to: Going shopping to spoil this little boy! And getting to go to Denver for the first time for work next week. I've got my little Adventure buddy in tow! :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Little Pumpkin

Hi Little One!

Mommy has been so busy at work. She's very sorry she hasn't gotten to write to you as much as she'd like, but that doesn't mean you aren't loved a TON!

You are 4 months old in there- 14 weeks. We're officially in the 2nd trimester, and past all of the scariness of miscarriages and nausea, even though you've been pretty nice to mommy on that front. Thanks for letting me work and feel pretty good most of the time, besides making me tired. But I want to make sure you get plenty of beauty rest.

This Saturday we find out if you're a boy or a girl. I cannot wait. Daddy insists your a boy. I can't tell, and to be honest I don't care. I just can't wait to spoil you and buy you tons of awesome clothes, and toys, and blankets, and get your nursery all set up. If you're a boy, I'm going to decorate it with puppies and sports balls with pale blue walls. If you're a girl, I want to do a Bambi theme with soft pinks and purples and greens and cremes. I'll work my tail off to make sure it's the best nursery ever with the coziest crib and pretty decorations for you to soak it all in.
If you're a girl- Bambi nursery
If you're a boy- puppies & sports nursery

We're inviting just our family over and our best friends. Grandma and Grampa Koehler will be there, and Auntie Jillian and her boyfriend Tim, and Uncle Danny and his girlfriend Brittany. Your great grandparents on Daddy's side are already down in Florida. Great Gramma and Grampa Mulac will be there, and they are bringing your Poppy. Gramma Logan will be coming with her boyfriend John. Auntie Kali can't come because she's at pharmacy school and working very hard in the hospital, but we're going to film it and send her a video. I know she's very sad she can't come, and she can't wait to spoil you either! And mommy's best friend who will be your Auntie Deena and Uncle Scott, who are pregnant with your first friend- Carli Keller, are going to be there too. Mommy got a ton of decorations and set them up two weeks in advance. That's how excited we are to have you and know if you're a boy or girl. I decorated it all "Trick or Treat, Blue or Pink?" with pumpkins and baby skeletons, and lots of candy and treats- Daddy has such a sweet tooth! I can't wait to find out with everyone. We are going to have the ultrasound tech put a boy pumpkin or a girl pumpkin in a box at the appointment, and we'll open it in front of everyone and all find out together. You'll be the first grandchild, you know, so this will be an extra special moment for everyone. I cannot wait- 3 more days!!!!!!
Here's the box we'll have the ultrasound tech put the pumpkin in- can't wait to finally open it!!! 

Some of the party decorations- already set up 2 weeks in advance! haha

I'm not really showing yet, which is good because besides my boss (who is very nice) and my closest friends at work, I haven't told work yet. I can still wear all my clothes, so that's nice. Thanks for being a fit little one in there for me. So far I've gained about 6 pounds. Every day the scale varies between a few pounds, but the doctor says I'm right where I should be weight gain wise. Daddy says he can finally tell that my stomach is sticking out a bit more. I swear I've felt you flutter or flip around in there a few times. It's the most amazing feeling. Flutter and flip all you want, Little One. It's so reassuring to know that you're in there and alive and moving about. I like to think it means you're happy in there.
This was last week's belly photo- a bitty bump!

As far as cravings, I sometimes want buffalo wings, or oranges, and I still eat a breakfast sandwich every morning, so you might be a morning person, or maybe you just like breakfast sandwiches. I eat lots of salad with chicken with you too. And lots of fruit- apples, bananas, oranges, berries. You seem to like all of that.

I hope you're happy in there baby. I was reading in my baby book that you start to be able to hear around 18 weeks. I can't wait to start playing music for you (Daddy and I both love music) and sing to you. I'm sure Gramma Logan will want to sing to you too.

Grow big and strong in there, Little One. Take all the nutrients from me you can, and get as healthy as possible in there. And don't come out until you're ready. I love you so much, Little Pumpkin. Can't wait to find out if you're a he or a she.

Love you,

Mommy <3 xoxo

Monday, October 20, 2014

14 Week Bumpdate

14 Week Bump Shot

How far along?  14 weeks - 4 months - 2nd trimester!!!!
Total weight gain:  130 (1 lbs up from last week and 5 lbs overall- ahhh!)  
Maternity clothes: None yet
Stretch marks? None 
Sleep: Can't get enough! 
Best moment this week: Going to the movies with my best friends, and getting my hair done this weekend- it feels so relaxing to do something for myself, and have someone else to put in the effort to make me look nice, haha! 
Miss anything? Wine and coffee- and my skinny work wardrobe- while I'm not in maternity yet, there are definitely some high-waisted pants and skirts that are just not comfortable anymore! 
Movement: None
Food cravings:  bananas, orange juice, peppers
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood....obviously...
Gender: Not a clue!   
Labour signs: None
Symptoms: Breast engorgement, abdominal itchiness, abdominal aches and pains, discharge, frequent urination
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy- seeing my best friends and feeling pretty definitely puts me in a good mood! 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender- we have an early ultrasound appointment coming up this week- can't wait to find out! And start shopping!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bump Pics- 1st Trimester

13 weeks- peach
12 weeks- plum
11 weeks- lime
10 weeks- prune
9 weeks- strawberry
8 weeks- raspberry
7 weeks- blueberry
6 weeks- sweet pea

Monday, October 13, 2014

13 Week Bumpdate

13 Week Bump shot

How far along?  13 weeks - 3 months - 1st trimester
Total weight gain:  129 (up another 2 lbs from last week- ahhh!)  
Maternity clothes: None but I definitely feel like a bitty bump is starting! 
Stretch marks? None 
Sleep: Can't get enough! 
Best moment this week: Visiting my friend Rachel in Baltimore. We taught together doing Teach For America at REACH! She's getting married Labor Day Weekend of next year, and it's crazy to think we'll have a 4 MONTH OLD BABY by then!! I'm in her wedding as a bridesmaid, and we got to go dress shopping this weekend with her, which was so fun! She will be one gorgeous bride!
Miss anything? Wine....especially visiting Baltimore it would have been SO nice to have a glass (or two...or three) with Rachel! 
Movement: None
Food cravings:  oranges, chocolate, and rice krispie treats! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood....surprise, surprise!
Gender: Not a clue!   
Labour signs: None
Symptoms: Breast engorgement, abdominal itchiness, appetite increase, increased thirst 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy- seeing Rachel and talking about the arrival of this little baby makes me so happy it's ridiculous!  
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender- we have an early ultrasound appointment in 2 weeks- can't wait to find out more about who's in there! :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

12 Week Bumpdate

12 Week Bumpdate

How far along?  12 weeks - 3 months - 1st trimester
Total weight gain:  127 (up 2 lbs from last week- ahhh!)  
Maternity clothes: None
Stretch marks? None 
Sleep: Love sleeping- hate when the alarm goes off in the morning! 
Best moment this week: It was Colie's 6th birthday, so it's always fun to celebrate and spoil her with lots of treat treats- she's been the best practice for spoiling this little one!
Miss anything? Coffee and wine...common theme of this pregnancy
Movement: None
Food cravings: Buffalo wings- the spicier the better! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood of course
Gender: Still no idea  
Labour signs: None
Symptoms: Breast engorgement, frequent urination, abdominal aches & pains- mostly feels like stretching! 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy- getting more excited by the day for this baby! Already started looking at bedding and other registry items, I can't hold myself back! 
Looking forward to: Dr's appointment next week- can't wait for another check up and to hear your sweet heartbeat again soon! I just want to make sure you're doing okay and get the go ahead from the doctor that everything is fine- helps mommy not to worry!

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hi Little One!

You are 11 weeks along, and the size of a lime this week. Mommy and Daddy are getting more excited by the minute for your arrival. We can't wait to meet you in 28 weeks. It's so exciting that it is already October. Every month that goes by means we're closer to having you out in the world with us!

Lately, Mommy has been craving breakfast sandwiches. Every morning I wake up wanting a bagel with egg and cheese and bacon. You must like your protein and your breakfast! It's funny, but Mommy never ate eggs before you, or breakfast. But I'll eat anything that keeps you happy all day. It's usually night time that I feel sick, but it's good so that Mommy can still do lots at work. My job is pretty stressful, so it's good that you let me work all day. I hope you keep that up so I can save lots of money to spoil you with.

Daddy is doing well too. He's  good at his job. And he's getting so good around the house helping Mommy. He always makes sure that the grass is cut, and the garbage goes out, and lately he's been helping doing laundry and keeping things cleaner for you. It's nice to know how much he loves you and cares about you already. Always remember how loved you are Little One, and even though you weren't planned, how very wanted you are by us now.

Mommy has been pinning a bunch of stuff- clothes, nursery ideas, and other fun things all about you, baby. I think I want to do your nursery in a Bambi theme. But it's hard to find anything in Bambi theme right now, but I'm going to keep looking.

We had a shower for your future best friend- Carli. Her mommy will be your Auntie Deena. She is due in November- 20 weeks ahead of you. You two will be in the same grade though in school. I'm so happy you have an instant best friend to hang out with when you are born. Auntie Deena and I can't wait to take you babies out for walks and play dates. We'll all have so much fun together.

I just found out at work that I'll be traveling to Denver at the end of the month- it will be my first time going there too. I'm going to Baltimore in a week, so you'll be traveling again this month. But it's been really nice being home the past month and spending more time with your Daddy and our friends and family. Tomorrow I'm going to Chocolate Bar for my high school girlfriends' birthdays. Brigitte is born September 30, Melanie is born October 1st, and Stephanie is born October 13th, so we're celebrating all of their birthdays tomorrow. I hope you enjoy some chocolate, but I have been eating a little more sweets than normal since you've been in me too. You must have a sweet tooth like Daddy.

Love you so much- keep growing Little One!


Mommy xoxo