Saturday, January 31, 2015

[Over]Packing our Hospital Bag!

Yes, we still should have 11 weeks to go. And yes, this might seem a bit early. But every app I'm signed up for has been talking about getting your hospital bag stuff together, so I figured better safe than sorry!

This process was actually really fun. Ordinarily, I hate packing- I used to have to do it for work weekly. However, this was fun because I was picking out Landon's first outfits. Plus, I feel a huge weight of stress lifted off my shoulders since this is done. And boy, oh boy- there is a lot of BLUE for this little man in this bag, down to the toiletries and even the champagne label (yes, I'm definitely packing a bottle of bubbly!)

Baby Landon- we are ready to go whenever you decide to join us. And if you're anything like Mommy, you just might be chomping at the bit and arrive early. But I just want you to stay in there until you're healthy enough to be out in the world, so please take your time, Little One.

Want to know what's in my hospital bag? Check out the pictures and the list below:
Delivery & Post-Delivery outfits
  • Blue Polka-dot Nicole Gownie for delivery- came with a matching pillowcase
  • Labor socks (the bottoms say "Ready, Set, PUSH!" too cute) for delivery
  • Kate Spade Blue Stud Earrings for delivery & post-delivery  (a pre-push present to myself!)
  • Blue Polka-dot Nicole Nursing Nightgown for post-delivery- came with a matching gown for Landon! 
  • Blue Polka-dot Nicole Robe for post-delivery
  • Two pairs of sticky-bottomed socks for post-delivery
    • Blue Polka-dot Nicole Pillowcase & Pillow
Labor Luxuries
  • I tie scent to so many memories and also my mood, so I figured getting some good smelling product for during labor and post-delivery would be helpful. The above are all Bath & Body Works Stress Relief Eucalyptus Mint products:
    • Candles
    • Pillow Spray
    • Massage Oil
    • Travel Body Wash
    • Travel Body Lotion
    • ScentPortable (to keep the hospital bag smelling fresh and the room while we're there- and I just thought this little blue turtle was way too cute!
      • Back Massager
      • BIC light (for candles)
  • Baby Lips Chapstick (my favorite- so addicted! I have a tube in every coat pocket & purse)
  • Toothbrush & Toothpaste
  • Venus Travel Razor
  • Refresh body wipes
  • Say Yes to Cucumbers face wipes (LOVE these- and I use the Tomato ones daily, but unfortunately, those don't come in travel packs)
  • Q-tips
  • Travel Contact case & solution
  • Tresemme Dry Shampoo
  • Bobby pins and hair ties
  • Coconut Milk Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Loofah 
  • Deodorant 
  • Nipple Cream
  • Travel Speaker (in case we want to play music during or after birth)
    • Travel blowdryer
    • Hairbrush 
    • I'll throw in my makeup bag, hair straightener, and glasses before we leave the house
  • 2 Maternity Bras- one nude (for day with molded cups) and one black (for sleeping)
  • 6 pairs of super cheap, large [throw-away] panties, all in blue 
  • Belly Band
Busy Work
  • Assorted Baby Books ("What to Expect the First Year," "Baby 411," "The Happiest Baby on the Block," "New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding")
  • Landon's Baby Book (I love this "Little Champ" memory book, and I can't wait to fill out all the details of his birth!)
  • Thank You Cards
  • Two Blue Pens
  • During Labor Snacks:
    • Blow-Pops and LifeSavers for during labor (I've been told you can't eat, and your mouth gets super dry, so hard candy is a life saver- haha no pun intended!)
    • Orbit Bubblemint Gum
  • Post-Delivery Snacks
    • Granola Bars
    • Cashews (the hubby's favorite)
    • Dried Strawberries
    • Champagne! 
      • 2 plastic champagne glasses - I can't wait to toast with my husband after we have this Little One! Even if I forgot those glasses, I'd totally take it straight from the bottle! haha  
Kisses from Landon xo
  • Present for the nurses
    • "Kisses from Landon" Candy thank-you bags 
Going Home/Lounge Wear

Landon's Bag
  • Landon's first outfit: a Blue Polka-dot Nicole Gown and Cap (we can match!)
  • Boppy (with his adorable personalized minky cover from Auntie Deena)
  • White Mittens (to prevent scratching)
  • 3 Pairs of Socks
  • 2 Gowns
  • 2 Onesies (one short-sleeved, one long-sleeved
  • 2 Pairs of Pants
  • 4 Caps
  • 1 Pair of fuzzy baseball Slipper Shoes
  • 1 Gap Bear Hoodie
  • 1 Pair of Sunglasses  (he's got to be just like Daddy!)
    • Receiving Blanket 
    • Halo Sleepsack
    • Diapers & wipes (in case there's a blowout on the car ride home!)
There are also some other items we'll have ready to go at the last minute, simply because I can't pack them right now:
  • Birthing Plan Folder
  • Driver's License
  • Insurance Card
  • Cell phone & charger
  • Make up Bag
  • Glasses & case
  • Hair Straightener
  • Our Camera and charging cord
And once our shower is over, we're planning to go to the fire station to have them properly install the car seat and base in my car. Hopefully, we'll get an extra base at the shower for Adam's car so we can easily take either vehicle!

This is the awesome stroller/car seat combo from my Gramma and Grampa that they gave us this week. This way we can take Landon home from the hospital, since they won't let you without a car seat. We're already pushing it around the house, and we love it- it's a jogger stroller. Landon will be a spring baby and my maternity leave will go into summer, so I'm sure we'll be using it daily for walks and runs in the park two blocks from our house. This Mama has got to get back into shape fast! I've got lots of weddings this summer, and one I'm a bridesmaid in, so I need to fit into that dress. :)   And as you can see, Colie is already practicing being a big sister in tow.
Where's Colie?
Well Landon, we're getting more and more ready for you every day. Can't wait until you're here with us! Love you, little kicker bean. xoxo

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

28 Week Bumpdate

28 Week Bump Shot

How far along? 28 weeks- 7 months- 3rd trimester 
Total weight gain: 144 lbs, up 2 lbs from last week... puts me at 19 lbs total so far. 
Maternity clothes: Yes of course. Wearing a maternity sweater from Target, and love how love it is to hide the current thunder thighs ;)
Stretch marks? Still nothing- feeling incredibly lucky! 
Sleep: Awful. I. CAN'T. SLEEP. It's driving me nuts. But when I do, I have the most vivid, crazy dreams. #pregnancyhormones
Best moment this week:  I hung out with my husband all weekend- which I loved. Friday we stayed in and watched movies. Saturday we kept up watching a TV show we'd started all day, then we went to dinner with all of my husband's friends on Saturday night, and it was nice to hang out with all of them. Sunday we went to Adam's cousin Tracy's son's first birthday. I can't believe that Baby Lucas is already 1! He is soooo cute too! I can't wait to meet our Landon and have all these amazing milestones with him. It will be so fun to watch him grow.  
Miss anything?  Sleep.  
Movement:  YES, a TON!! I've started keeping a tracker, and this little man is pretty regular when he's on a kicking spree. I'll be interested to see if they match his sleeping patterns once he joins us on the outside, and if so, I will still not be getting much sleep. But at least I'll get to hold him!
Food cravings: Tacos, chili, and chicken noodle soup. Warm and savory foods- I think because it's been so cold and snowy this past week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood as always.
Gender: Still BOY! 
Labour signs: None. Still don't think I've had a Braxton Hicks either, unless I'm mistaking it for kicks. Definitely been a few cases of the hiccups though.  
Symptoms: Heartburn, heartburn, HORRIBLE heartburn, back pain, abdominal aches and pains, congestion, frequent urination.    
Belly button in or out? The top is popping out. I hate it!  
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: This week, moody. I was really happy last week, and I still am thinking about the baby, but there's been a lot going on with my husband's family and my job that is adding some unfortunate stress to this time. We'll get through it though- we have so much to look forward to!  
Looking forward to: Our shower! Everyone got the invites this week, and I already saw some of the things we really need on our registry were purchased, which makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER- it's so settling to know we'll have what we need. I'll also be going to Florida for a work conference next week, so it will be nice to get some sunshine (fingers crossed for good weather!) Adam and I also scheduled a 9-5 Birthing class for the first Saturday in February, so it's good to have that on the calendar so we will be prepared as first-times. We also scheduled the hospital tour, which will be great to see where Landon's birthday will be! (I take back the moody, just typing all of this makes me SO HAPPY!) We're getting so close. <3 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

27 Week Bumpdate

7 Week Bump Shot- Hello 3rd Trimester!!!! 

How far along? 27 weeks- 7 MONTHS - 3rd trimester is here!!!!
Total weight gain: 142 lbs, down 1 lbs from last week...but I'm pretty sure it was water weight and all the extra sleep I got this long weekend...sleep does wonders! Which puts me at 17 lbs total so far. 
Maternity clothes: Yes of course. Rocking out my favorite maternity yoga gear in this pic from Target. Just had gotten home from prenatal yoga- a MUST! 
Stretch marks? Still nothing- feeling incredibly lucky! 
Sleep: This weekend was better. We had off Monday for MLK day, and I was definitely taking advantage of sleeping in as long as possible. I got almost 9 1/2 hours a night. It was amazing!
Best moment this week:  I drove to Columbus on Saturday for my friend Maddie's shower- she's two weeks ahead of me with a boy as well- Baby Jonathan. But yesterday for the day off and to celebrate the 3rd trimester, I got a prenatal massage and a mani/pedi, so I was feeling super pampered and happy. To top it all off, ended the day with yoga. So relaxing! Days like that are awesome! 
Miss anything?  Harder workouts. With the long weekend, I was definitely in the mood to get active, but it's just hard not wanting to push myself. Also, Adam has been a huge help at carrying things for me, but I miss that independence. 
Movement:  YES, and loving every kick and punch and flop in there. Makes me feel so connected to this little man. <3 
Food cravings: Breakfast food. I also had a meltdown when Bob Evans was closed (at 10:00 at night) because I wanted pancakes SO BAD. Luckily, my husband saved the day with a late night trip to Giant Eagle to make sure I had my fix. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood as always.
Gender: Still a BOY! 
Labour signs: None, and hope it stays that way for 13 weeks! 
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, insomnia, heartburn, nasal congestion, and frequent urination has reached a new level this week. He feels so much heavier on my bladder, which is killing me, but I'm glad he's getting bigger!   
Belly button in or out? The top is popping out! Eeek! 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy- I truly feel like this pregnancy is flying!  
Looking forward to: Being in the last leg of this pregnancy, and enjoying these final weeks of a baby in my belly. Crazy to think how far we are in this journey, and how close we are to meeting our little guy. I'm also excited to see my best friend Deena either this week or weekend, and baby Carli! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Baby It's Cold Outside

Hi Little Landon,

Brrrrr! It sure is cold outside. We've had a very snowy past two weeks, and lots of temperatures dropping to zero degrees or below, and way below with the wind chill. We have to make sure we're very bundled up when we go outside! I don't want you to be a freeze baby, haha.

Today your Auntie Jillian sent me the most awesome text- your baby shower invites! They are so cute. It's a "Baby It's Cold Outside" theme. I can't wait.
"Baby It's Cold Outside" Baby Shower Invite

Mommy has been doing a TON of research for your registry, asking all of my friends and family who are moms for their advice and must-haves. I hope we registered for stuff that will be good for you. More than anything, I just hope we have prepared properly for your safety and well-being. And I can't wait to see everyone at the shower. Even Mommy's friend Rachel is flying in from Baltimore for it! I think that's one of the nicest things about a shower- you get to see family and friends and coworkers all in one place, which is rare. I'm sure you will get lots of belly rubs that day.

Last night, we stayed up for the first half of the first-ever National Championship game for college football. Your big sister, Colie, kept putting her paws on my belly to feel you. It was so cute!
Colie with her paw on you in my belly!

Anyways, Daddy was super excited, as OSU was playing against Oregon, and the Buckeyes won! It was quite an exciting day for Ohio football. And the quarterback was a CMSD graduate (where Mommy works) so that was exciting for us at work today.

If your heart was beating a little harder today, Mommy had to give her first presentation to the CMSD School Board. I usually don't get nervous public speaking, and I think I did okay, I was just rushing to try to stay under the 10-minute time frame the CEO gave me. And, according to all the apps, you would have heard my entire presentation from my belly! Haha. Maybe you'll be good at public speaking someday since you've observed it in the womb. We'll see! :)  One of the many things I would wish for you to be good at in the future.

Well, Little Landon, you are certainly feeling bigger these days. I've got quite a bigger bump than just a week or two ago, and you're moving like crazy. Keep it up- I love it. But more than anything, I love you more than you'll ever know.

Love you,

Mommy xoxo

Monday, January 12, 2015

26 Week Bumpdate

26 Week Bump Shot

How far along? 26 weeks- 6 months - 2nd trimester
Total weight gain: 143 lbs, up 2 lbs from last week...18 lbs total so far. 
Maternity clothes: Definitely in maternity gear and loving my bump right now. Can't he just stay this size forever? Getting SO BIG! 
Stretch marks? Still nothing- feeling incredibly lucky! 
Sleep: It's so awful. I cannot sleep through the night. Either I have to pee. Or my heartburn wakes me up. Or I wake up so thirsty. Or the dog wakes me up because she's thirsty (it's freezing out, so we've been blasting the heat a bit higher than normal to make sure our pipes don't freeze like last year). It's awful. I'm not kidding when I say every hour I'm checking my phone. UGH. I feel like I'll never sleep again, lol. 
Best moment this week:  I went to brunch with two of my best friends, Deena and Krista, and Carli came along. She was so well-behaved. Just slept the entire time like a complete angel baby. It was so nice to hang out with my friends and catch up, and to be comforted that I can try to be as mobile as possible with Landon once he's here. 
Miss anything?  Coffee and wine, per usual. I do miss being able to do more serious workouts. Work has been stressful, so it would be nice to do spinning or something that's a little more intense to burn off more steam. 
Movement:  SO MUCH THIS WEEK! I'm loving it. He's responding to music and light, which is so cool. And he even pokes back when I poke a little at his kicks when he makes my whole belly bounce or ripple. I love it- we're already playing! 
Food cravings: Chocolate milk, bananas, granola, and kiwis! The kiwis is definitely a new craving- haha. I got a HUGE box at the grocery store. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood as always.
Gender: Still a BOY! 
Labour signs: None, and hope it stays that way! 
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, lots of aching particularly on the left side of my belly, but both sides are sore at random times, insomnia, heartburn, nasal congestion, and a very weird tingly sensation under my left boob. It normally happens after I eat. I'm not sure if it's my stomach bunched up in there since he's getting so much bigger and it has no place to go. It's so weird.  
Belly button in or out? Still in, but the top is starting to pop and it's freaking me out! 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy- I feel like this pregnancy is flying!  
Looking forward to: Possibly driving down to Columbus for my friend Maddie's shower if the weather permits. Also, I've been nesting and selling things on Craiglist, so I'm just excited to get more settled and ready for Mr. Landon! :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

25 Week Bumpdate

25 Week Bump Shot

How far along? 25 weeks- 6 months - 2nd trimester
Total weight gain: 141 lbs, up one lbs from last week...16 lbs total so far. 
Maternity clothes: Definitely in maternity gear. In this picture, I'm wearing one of the "New Maternity" dresses I ordered from ASOS. I love it- so comfortable, and I got compliments on it all day at work. I even got told it made me look "cute pregnant" haha, which helped my confidence level. Even though I love my bump, it is crazy how quickly my belly and body is growing lots of places! So it's reassuring to get a compliment every now and then. 
Stretch marks? Still nothing- feeling lucky! 
Sleep: This past weekend since I had a long weekend, I was able to catch up a bit on sleep, which for me was still having insomnia until 2 AM, but being able to sleep in until 11 AM or even noon one day. It was so nice to get that much rest. If only I could do that every day, but it was back to work this AM (in a snow storm! ahhhh!)
Best moment this week:  My husband hung a bunch of stuff in the nursery- 3 corner shelves that look gorgeous, and three crates to hold our diapers and changing supplies above the changing pad on the dresser. I also finally got the Polaroid pictures I'd ordered a month ago from Polabora (a Belgium company- they look amazing, just took awhile to get here!). So I got to put together Landon's family tree of sorts. I love being crafty, especially for our little one. Adam and I are also crazy (okay, it was just me, but I did ask Adam's permission while at Target) and already got Landon his first Christmas present for next year- it was on sale, so I HAD to! Basically, anything that's preparing or spoiling this little guy, is the best moment of my week! We also got a new camera to capture Landon as he grows, and in better quality than our camera phones (though I'm sure we will fill those up with pictures of him too). All in all, a great week for Landon preparation. haha! 
Miss anything?  Coffee- it's so cold in the morning, that holding a hot cup-of-Joe would be so nice, but to be honest, I had a sip this morning, and it tasted it awful. I don't even want it, but I oddly miss it! 
Movement:  Yes- mostly at night, though I am feeling some stronger movement during the day. According to my apps, he will move more when I'm not moving these days (my movement will put him to sleep), so it makes sense that at work when I'm mainly sitting he's starting to get active. 
Food cravings: Chocolate milk, bananas, and peanut butter.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood always.
Gender: Boy 
Labour signs: None, and hope it stays that way! 
Symptoms: Insomnia, heartburn, bloating, veins showing, backache 
Belly button in or out? Still in, but it looks different- eek! 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy- feeling rejuvenated now that the holidays are over and that it's a new year, and that we're even closer to meeting this little guy! 
Looking forward to: The baby shower is still far off (February 22nd), but I just found out from my friend at work today that they are also planning a diaper shower for me, which is SO NICE! And my sister-in-law said she would be sending out our shower invites soon, so I'm just super excited for all of these things coming up. I did get my shower dress (from ASOS), so I can't wait to wear it and see all my friends and Landon's many aunties! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mommy-to-be Must Haves: Part 2 - Products to Buy

This is PART 2 of a Mommy-to-be Must Have series.

Did you just take a positive pregnancy test? Congrats! Here's what I wished I'd known to buy that first week of finding out I was pregnant to prepare for the months ahead. But after 25 weeks along this pregnancy journey, there are definitely some must-have products to get ASAP. I've also gotten great suggestions from other Mommas, so I cannot take full credit. But for other preggos out there, I figured I should share what I've learned so far, and maybe it will help you on this 40-week adventure. (And bring some good karma for labor- haha!)

  • Over-the-Belly Leggings.  I rotate between a pair of black leggings, jean jeggings, and black jeggings for my casual outfits. You will never want to go back to wearing normal pants again. Ever. 
Over-the-belly leggings- how do you ever go back to normal pants? 

  • Maternity Tights. If you're a working mom-to-be or plan to dress up while pregnant, I highly suggest investing in a few pairs of these early on in your pregnancy. Regular tights really confine your belly (and leave a horrible line indentation across the center of your bump), and maternity tights go to the top of your belly (under your boobs) and don't have any front stitching. I bought three pairs (black, black chevron, and nude).Again, I don't know how I'll go back to normal tights!
    BeMaternity Tights from Target- $16.99
  • Gummy Prenatal Vitamins. Regular prenatals made me nauseous, which is the last thing a new mom-to-be needs when you're already feeling queasy all the time. Comparing ingredients and prices, I got the Target Up & Up brand and my doctor approved. 
    Target Prenatal Gummy Vitamins- $6.99
  • Snoogle Pregnancy Pillow. I got one of these very early in my pregnancy, and it has been a lifesaver. Sleep has gotten progressively harder, but this pillow allows me to get comfortable on my side with my growing belly. 
    Snoogle Pregnancy Pillow- $59.99
  • Palmer's Cocoa Butter Stretch Mark Formula. I use a squirt or two every day after I shower on my belly, boobs, hips, and butt. So far (please, don't jinx me) no stretch marks.
Palmer's Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks- $10.99

  • Slippers. When you are lounging around the house, nothing is better than slipping on soft, fuzzy, cushy slippers to walk around. With feet that might swell or grow or if you're pregnant in the winter months, these Dearfoam Slippers from Target have been amazing. I tried on a TON, and these were by far the most comfortable. 
    Dearfoam Slippers- Target $12.74
  • Larger Bras. This includes everyday bras and sports bras. By week 16, I was dying every day wearing my pre-pregnancy bras. After a weekend trip to Victoria's Secret to get properly  measured for my new size (3 cups sizes larger- WHAT THE ?!?!?!), I finally had bras that I wasn't falling out of in barre class or didn't want to rip off midday. I'm particularly fond of Victoria's Secret's T-shirt Bra, the Body by Victoria Perfect Shape, and the new front closure Incredible bra. WARNING: DO NOT GET THE FRONT-CLOSE KNOCKOUT. It's horribly uncomfortable. I returned it after wearing it for 20 minutes and ripping it off. 
Victoria's Secret Front-close Incredible Sports is pretty incredibly comfortable and incredibly easy for this preggo lady to take on and off!   Sale Price- $30
  •  Maternity Workout Gear. If you're an active mama-to-be like me, I got two pairs of maternity yoga leggings and two different styles of maternity workout tanks from Target. Tank wise, I love the new C9 by Champion brand, and ended up ordering them in every color. They are not only comfortable and a great price, but very flattering to a growing belly. And confidence always makes my workout that much better. As far as the leggings, I actually prefer the under-the-belly pair (C9 brand) because I don't have to adjust them in class. The over-the-belly pair (BeMaternity brand) crosses in the back, and while they are super comfortable, I do have to pull them up after certain moves in my barre classes. This is a lot of details to say: Check out the maternity line C9 active wear brand at Target. 
Maternity Workout Gear- check out the new C9 by Champion brand at Target
  • Pantyliners. One of the not-so-glamorous must haves, but will come in very handy. One of the huge changes your body goes through is increased white discharge. Save yourself and your undies by stocking up on panty liners. Always Radiant Incredibly Thin liners do the job, and conform to regular cut or thongs.
    Always Radiant Incredibly Thin Liners- $3.50
    I hope these products help you throughout your pregnancy! <3 xoxo
Click HERE to read PART 1. 

Mommy-to-be Must Haves: Part 1 - Apps, Vlogs & Blogs

This is PART 1 of a Mommy-to-be Must Have series. Read PART II here.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! If you're anything like me, you're going through a zillion emotions. You're excited, scared, happy, nervous, shocked and overwhelmed. One thing that just helped my mental sanity was downloading apps, reading blogs, and watching vlogs to demystify pregnancy (some symptoms you just can't believe are normal- itchy boobs?!). Many apps offer community groups you can join to connect to other mommas who are on the same week as you. Likewise, vlogs and blogs give you weekly updates on symptoms, progress, and belly shots. Your body goes through SO MANY changes that for me it, it helped a ton to hear from these other women what they were going through.


  • Ovia Pregnancy App. I love this app to keep me in tune with my diet, symptoms, sleep, weight, moods, physical activity, and milestones. It also gives you encouraging words of advice when you track you daily activities or symptoms. 
    Ovia App- my favorite of all the pregnancy apps
  • What to Expect. This is the app all of my preggo friends suggested. You get daily articles and updates on a slew of pregnancy topics, and a weekly video that's always fun to watch to see what's new with your baby that week. 
    What to Expect App
  • The Bump. This app is great for a weekly video update about baby's progress, and gives you good checklists for what's coming up next or what you should be preparing for next. I also love the fruit/vegetable size updates and you can upload your weekly bump shot.
    The Bump App
  • MyRegistry. I used this app and website for my wedding registry and now for our baby registry. It allows you to register for any product anywhere online or in store by scanning the bar code with your smart phone. I loved that I could put some great items from Etsy on there- where else can you register for that? It even updates the price if it changes or is lower at another store or site. There's also a privacy category setting so I can add things that I want to remember to buy for baby, but don't want to put on the registry. 
    My Registry Website & App
  • Pregnant Chicken. Just about as real and funny as it can get, you can read this post called "Happily After Giving Birth" and decide if this type of blog will help add a little humor to all of the upcoming changes. 

  • Anna Saccone. Anna from Ireland has both a blog with a Mommy Monday weekly update along with Weekly Pregnancy Vlogs on YouTube documenting both her first pregnancy (a girl) and second pregnancy (a boy).The second pregnancy vlogs are shorter, but I love watching both to see how her pregnancies compare (since every pregnancy is different) and where I'm at that week. She also does belly shots every week. 
  • Karina Powell.  Karina is from Texas, and is probably one of the most beautiful (and teeny tiny) pregnant people I've ever seen. She has incredible pregnant style, as well as a great fitness routine she maintained her entire pregnancy. She's an inspiration. And her and her husband are too cute. I loved reading her pregnancy rollercoaster blogs from her first pregnancy with her little boy, Ryan. 
  • Maddie Borchers. Maddie from Georgia is pregnant with her little boy- Jonathan. She gives a weekly bump update with lots of symptoms, and some of the tips and advice she has learned along the way. She's very sweet and relatable! Check out her YouTube channel
  • Myka Stauffer. Myka already has two little ones, but her family is trying for a third baby. Unfortunately, they lost a little one when she was 6 weeks pregnant in the fall, but she's pregnant again (YAY!) and will be giving a weekly bump update. She's entertaining and very real about her symptoms and pregnancies. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! 2015- the Year of Landon

Hey Baby Boy,

I cannot believe it- 2015 is here! And that this is the year you'll be joining our family in the flesh. We can't wait for you to get here, though I want you to keep cooking in there and get as strong as possible.
Cheers to 2015-  our first picture of the New Year!

Last night for New Year's Eve, Mommy & Daddy went right around the corner to Eddie Cerino's for dinner with our friends Liz and Matt (they are getting married the same weekend as us this year, and Daddy is a groomsman). A few of their other friends joined us as well. Daddy had his favorite- carbonara baked pasta with fried chicken on top. Mommy got the special- a wedge salad and twin filets with asparagus, mushrooms, and mashed potatoes. It was huge! Definitely ate for two last night.

After dinner, we went to 16-Bit Barcade. It's a combination bar/arcade with a ton of free games to play. Mommy and Daddy played a hunting game. Mommy actually beat Daddy a few times, which is always a feat since he's so competitive and usually really good at games.
24 Week Bump Shot

At midnight, we of course kissed and then immediately said, "It's 2015- the Year of Landon!" You're always in our hearts and on our minds already. We went home and Mommy had a glass of Welch's grape juice since she couldn't have champagne at midnight, and Daddy had Jack and Diet Cokes. We danced a little to Tom Petty. Not sure you're as big of a fan as you are Ed Sheeran. Lately, you go crazy in my stomach when I play Ed Sheeran. You're his littlest fan! haha

Anyways, Mommy and Daddy couldn't be happier that you're on your way this year. Before we went to bed, we talked all about how our resolution is to be the best parents and role models we can be for you. We love you so much already!

Love you,

Mommy xoxo